December 13, 2006

Zoot...or "Just how dumb do they think we are?"

Zoot. Who knows what the hell the word means?

In this context it means "A lame attempt by someone who thinks the South African consumer is a moron."

Zoot's spots feature a whole bunch of products marketed by local "celebs", the most recent being the Soda Stream machine with has-been model Michelle Maclean.

Now I'm not against celebrity endorsements - except maybe the George Foreman grilling thingy. Come on's a flat-bed griller at an angle. Use an uneven table and you have the same concept.

What I don't like is being treated like an idiot. Now Michelle and the useless, obsequious hostess of that spot plus the agency responsible for the spot the try to treat me like an idiot.

They hard-cut the spot to make it look like it was filmed guerrilla style (ie on-the-fly), but it's not. Then they tell you it's not scripted. Sure, buddy....and I have a bridge to sell you too.

"Not scripted" doesn't not mean "not prompted". I can see it now.

Director: "You! Obsequious annoying hostess chick! Ask Michelle about how the kids love the Soda Stream. And Michelle, when you answer, make sure you use the words 'tasty', 'delicious' and 'everyone should have one'."

Oh jeeze. We all know Ms Maclean got paid a ridiculous amount of money for that fiasco. Why not just have an ad where Michelle Maclean comes out and says "Buy a Soda-Stream. It's cool."? Trying not to con your customer is a good thing. Trust me on this.

Oh and the Soda Stream is a great product. Pity they have such an awful advertising campaign.

4 ass suckings with an extra one each for Michelle and the boring hostess chick.
Total: 6 ass-suckings.

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