December 05, 2006

Solati Sugar...WTF!?

So this one is a radio ad...and basically it's 30 seconds of agony.

First crime: using a Cape Town "coloured" accent...actually that's not event fair. It's a gam accent, used by lower working class people of colour from the Cape Flats.

"Jy, my bru. Die Solati is lekker op my tong!"
Now what the hell that accent has to do with the product, God alone knows, but there you have it.

Second crime: To illustrate how "The sweetness lasts longer" (Solati's payoff line), they sing, hang on. That's not right. Caterwauling is more correct. They yowl the word "Sweet" in staggered unison, creating this whining cacophony that causes me to see red.

I have no idea what the hell the creatives (and I use the term loosely here) were thinking. This ad is amongst the most irritating spots on radio, and I turn off the sound as soon as I hear it. I can't imagine that it's done any good for the product or dented the Hullett's brand.

This ad gets 7 ass-suckings.

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