December 05, 2006

NEDERBURG - or I'm a pretentious smug ponce with a wine farm...

Nederburg currently has a campaign running on television. I've seen two of the ads but I fear there may be more. Both grate my nerves.

The first shows some smug quasi-Mediterranean gent who sneaks into his cellar and samples the wine, while spouting some ridiculous babble about grape-fermentation not being a nine-to-five job and mother Nature needing someone to keep an eye on her.

The guy just looks like a lush who drinks on the sly and is trying to justify his addiction.

The same overweight, overfed, overpaid schmuck appears in the second ad...which to my mind is the worse of the two. Cue smug quasi-Mediterranean gent strolling through his farm spewing some more bollocks about how his "job" is to pick the grapes at just the right time and if he messes up he needs to live with it for the rest of his life. Whatever.

In the background and between the scenes of the fat schmuck are images of farm-labourers getting up at the crack of dawn, getting the equipment together and standing by, ready for action. It becomes apparent that the fat guy isn't really going to pick the grapes (something hinted at by the fact he's waddling around in cream slacks and loafers to match).

Anyway, the fat guy saunters past his workers without so much as "howdy" and gets to a vine. He picks a grape in podgy fingers and stuffs it in his mouth.
"Not today", he pronounces and 180's and heads on back to the manor house no doubt to stuff his fat face with a ham...once again strolling past his farm labourers without a smile or an acknowledgment.

I dunno about you, but this ad is quite honestly the worst kind of self-pleasuring claptrap I've witnessed in a while. It's rubbish and if I were a wine-drinker I would want to distance myself from this brand if for nothing else other than its underlying sentiment that fat Caucasian buggers run wine farms where they screw over their workers and drink the profits.

I'm not political, but the whole thing smacks of a colonialist attitude and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth...

Score for this ad:
7 ass-suckings with an extra one for the fat bugger who just can't get diabetes fast enough for me - for a final score of 8 ass-suckings.

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